
*** Si la France m'était contée ... ***
Amis américains, regardez ce qui vous attend, en cas de marxisme avancé ...
Regardez la France : elle est devenue une véritable caricature d'elle-même, de ce qu'était ce pays, allez disons-le avant l'arrivée de la Gauche au pouvoir avec Mitterrand en 1981.
Depuis, la France n'arrête pas de dégringoler ...
Dans les 4 Vérités de cette semaine, Lambert Christian décrit la France dans toute sa splendeur actuelle, et les Français eux-mêmes pour la plupart se bouchent les yeux et les oreilles et ne veulent surtout pas qu'on le leur dise. MAIS ...
Au royaume des augmentations perpétuelles
Lambert Christian - mardi 22 septembre 2009
" En France, tout augmente : les prélèvements obligatoires, la dette, les déficits, l’immigration, la délinquance, l’anarchie et… le nombre des discours.
S’agissant des prélèvements obligatoires, le pouvoir joue sur les mots. Le président de la république a déclaré à maintes reprises qu’il n’avait pas été élu pour augmenter les impôts ; donc, les impôts n’augmentent pas. Ce qui augmente ce sont les « prélèvements obligatoires », comme en témoignent les avis d’imposition foncière qui viennent d’être distribués à tous les Français, plus 30 % à Paris et ça va continuer ! En réalité, chaque année, le contribuable sort davantage de son porte-monnaie – la classe moyenne est laminée – et tous travaillent jusqu’au 15 juillet pour remettre dans le tonneau des Danaïdes du fisc le montant exigé des « prélèvements obligatoires ».
Ainsi, le pouvoir se moque du monde avec, depuis deux ans, une vingtaine de taxes nouvelles, la dernière en date étant, comme chacun sait, la « taxe carbone », nouvel impôt compliqué à l’extrême, d’une inefficacité garantie dont on dirait qu’il a été inventé uniquement pour emm… les Français. Quand on sait que les entreprises françaises sont soumises chaque année à plus de 80 impôts et taxes divers, il ne faut pas s’étonner de l’augmentation des faillites, du chômage et des suicides. Tout cela, bien sûr, ne diminue aucunement la dette, un festival de mauvaise gestion qui ne date pas d’hier. Cette dette s’élevait en juin à 1 414 milliards d’euros, mais en fait, avec les engagements de l’État, à plus de 2000 milliards d’euros. Elle progresse de 2000 euros par seconde.
Le déficit budgétaire a doublé en un an pour franchir le 31 juillet le seuil des 100 milliards d’euros. Il sera de 150 milliards à la fin de l’année, en totale contradiction avec le traité de Maastricht.
Le déficit du régime général de la sécurité sociale, quant à lui, va s’élever cette année à 30 milliards d’euros, malgré l’augmentation du forfait hospitalier. Tout cela s’appelle une débâcle financière, sans compter le déficit de la balance commerciale ( 57,5 milliards d’euros en 2008 ).
En parallèle, on note une augmentation des indemnités du chef de l’État, 172 % en octobre 2007 (!), ainsi que du budget de l’Élysée, ce qui a fait dire sans rire à un porte-parole officiel : « Le budget de la présidence de la république augmente, mais il ne progresse pas. » On avait déjà entendu : « Le malaise cardiaque du président de la république n’a pas de cause. » On a maintenant le mouvement immobile…On a aussi l’augmentation continue de l’électricité, du gaz, de l’eau et des charges immobilières.
Quant aux avoirs des 3 000 noms découverts dans deux succursales à Paris de banques suisses par le ministre du Budget en utilisant des « procédés criminels », selon ce qu’a déclaré publiquement le président de l’association nationale des banquiers suisses (une personnalité aussi importante que le président de la confédération helvétique), ils ne représenteraient s’ils étaient recouvrés que 0,2 % de la dette française, un puits sans fond – ce qui n’a été dit nulle part.
Un mot encore de l’immigration, dont on connaît les conséquences graves et ruineuses – et dont il ne faut surtout pas parler. Le ministre de l’Intérieur vient d’en faire, malgré lui, la démonstration. Ayant fait une réflexion anodine relevant de l’évidence, il vient d’en être la victime, alors qu’il venait de sanctionner le préfet Girot de Langlade pour avoir lancé une boutade du même ordre. Tel est pris qui croyait prendre. Tout cela est aussi choquant que grotesque et révélateur d’une mentalité raciste en faveur de l’immigration-invasion.
Ce constat nous conduit tout naturellement à la délinquance, elle aussi, logiquement, en forte augmentation. Les violences contre les personnes et les biens ne cessent d’augmenter, en particulier contre les personnes dépositaires de l’autorité, qui ont atteint en 2008 le chiffre record de 26 177 cas recensés (le double en réalité).
En Seine St-Denis, ces violences ont augmenté de 30 % sur l’année 2008. Il est tout à fait piquant et significatif, à cet égard, que le conseiller « spécial »du président de la république, rédacteur de ses très nombreux discours, voulant prendre connaissance des réalités du 9-3, département peuplé à 90 % d’immigrés, ait failli se faire lyncher dans la voiture de police où il avait pris place. Sous une pluie de cailloux, les policiers de l’escorte ont dû faire usage de leurs fusils pour éviter le pire ! Et pourtant, on a l’impression que, pour les autorités au plus haut niveau, le but est de lutter contre les « violences policières », aussitôt sanctionnées, si bien que les forces de l’ordre, de peur d’être punies, n’osent plus rien faire. Donc, la vie est belle pour les « jeunes », dont beaucoup vivent du très lucratif commerce de la drogue.
Quant aux établissements scolaires, il serait bon que dans nos banlieues, les professeurs soient revêtus d’un gilet pare-balles.
Enfin, petite cerise sur le gâteau, 500 000 colis sont volés à la Poste chaque année.
Bref, c’est l’anarchie générale. En six mois, les cortèges syndicaux à Paris ont augmenté de 31,81 % par rapport à la même période en 2008, passant de 1116 à 1471 ( soit presque 8 par jour ! ) manifestations autorisées par la préfecture de police qui, néanmoins, reconnaît qu’elles « empoisonnent » la vie des Parisiens. Une note confidentielle de l’administration révèle que le nombre des policiers et des gendarmes blessés au cours de ces manifestations a bondi de 318 % entre janvier et mai derniers. On apprend aussi que le ministre du Bugdet, en visite amicale à la fête de l’Humanité, a failli recevoir une bouteille en pleine figure. Mais qu’allait-il faire dans cette galère ?
Au regard de ce bilan entièrement négatif et inquiétant, les discours du chef de l’État se succèdent toujours plus nombreux, en augmentation eux aussi. Enflure de la rhétorique d’un côté, dure réalité de la vie quotidienne des Français de l’autre.
Monsieur le Président, Mesdames et Messieurs, franchement, bravo pour tout ! "
Amis americains voulez-vous vraiment "ça " pour le futur de votre magnifique pays ?
*** If France was told to me ... ***
My American friends, take a look at what awaits you, in the event of advanced Marxism… Look at France : it has become a real caricature of itself, of what this country used to be, come on let's say it, before the leftists came to power with Mitterrand in 1981. Since then, France never stopped tumbling down …
In this week's " Les 4 Vérités ", Lambert Christian describes France in all its current splendour, and the vast majority of the French themselves close their eyes and ears and most of all do not want anybody to tell them. BUT…
In the Kingdom of Perpetual increases
Lambert Christian - Tuesday september 22nd 2009
" In France, everything increases : taxes and social security deductions, all debts, deficits, immigration, delinquency, anarchy and ... the number of speeches.
Concerning the mandatory deductions, the Power plays with the words. The president of the republic stated on several occasions that he had not been elected to increase taxes; therefore, taxes do not increase. What increases are the "mandatory deductions", as proven by the forms for Real Estate Taxation that have just been distributed to all the French: 30% higher in Paris and it will go on! Actually, each year, the taxpayer takes out more of his/her wallet - the middle-class is pounded - and all the work of each and everyone until July 15 just feeds the Barrel of Danaïdes of the Tax Department with the amount required for the "taxes and social security deduction".
Thus, the Power doesn't care two hoots about anybody: in the last two years, a score of new taxes, the last of them being, as everybody knows, the "Carbon Tax" , a new tax, complicated to the extreme, with a guaranteed inefficiency and seemingly invented only to SCR.. the French. When one knows that French companies are subjected each year to more than 80 various taxes and fares, one should not be astonished by the increase of bankruptcies, unemployment and cases of suicide. All this of course does nothing at all to decrease the debt, a fireworks of mismanagement that doesn't date from yesterday. This debt rose in June to 1.414 billion euros, but in fact, with the commitments of the State, will topple 2000 billion euros. It progresses at a rate of 2000 euros per second.
The budget deficit doubled in one year on july 31st, when it crossed the threshold of 100 billion euros. It will be 150 billion by the end of the year, in total contradiction with the Treaty of Maastricht.
The deficit of the general plan of the social security, as for him, will rise this year to 30 billion euros, in spite of the increase in the hospital fixed rates. All that is called a financial rout, without counting the deficit of the trade balance ( 57,5 billion euros in 2008 ).
Parallel to this, one remarks an increase in the allowances of the Head of the State, 172% in October 2007 (!), as well as budget of the Elysee, which prompted an official spokeperson to state "The budget of the presidency of the republic increases, but it does not progress. " We had already heard: "The mild heart attack of the president of the republic does not have a cause. " We now have motionless movement…
We also have the continual increases of rates for electricity, gas, water and the real estate loads.
As for the assets of the 3.000 names that were discovered in two branches of Swiss banks in Paris by the Head of the Budget Department, using what the president of the national association of Swiss bankers - a personality as important as the president of the Swiss confederation- publicly qualified as "criminal processes", they would not represent - if they were to be recovered - 0,2% of the French debt, a bottomless well- which has not been mentioned anywhere.
One more word concerning immigration, of which everyone knows the grave and ruinous consequences- and which one should especially not mention. The Head of the Interior Department has just illustrated this, despite himself. Having made an alleviating reflexion concerning the obvious, he just became a victim of it, whereas he had just sanctionned the prefect Girot de Langlade for launching a joke on the same kind. It's a case of the biter being bit. All that is as shocking as grotesque and revealing of a racist mentality in favour of the immigration-invasion.
This report quite naturally leads us to delinquency which is, logically, strongly increasing. Violence against people and property never stop increasing, in particular against the Agents of the State authority, who reached in 2008 the record figure of 26.177 listed cases (double in reality).
In Seine St-Denis, these violences increased by 30% over 2008. It is extremely striking and significant, in this respect, that the "special" adviser of the president of the republic, writer of his very many speeches, wanting to assess the realities of the 93 department, populated this department with 90% of immigrants, and was nearly lynched in the police car where he had taken seat. Under a rain of stones, the police officers of his escort had to make use of their rifles to avoid the worst! And yet, one is under the impression that, for the authorities up to the highest level, the goal is to fight "police violence", sanctionned at once, so that the police force, out of fear of being punished, dares nothing anymore. Therefore, life is beautiful for the "young people", many of which live of the very lucrative drug trade.
As for the schools, it would be good if, in our suburbs, teachers started wearing bullet-proof jackets.
Lastly, small icing on the cake, 500.000 parcels are stolen at the Post office each year.
In short, it is generalized anarchy. In six months, the trade-union processions in Paris increased by 31,81% compared to the same period in 2008, going from 1116 to 1471 demonstrations (which is almost 8 per day!) authorized by the police headquarters who, nevertheless, recognize that they "poison" the life of the Parisians. A confidential note of the administration reveals that the number of police officers and gendarmes wounded during these demonstrations leaped a 318 % between last January and May. One also learned that the Head of the Bugdet Department, during a friendly visit to the Humanite festival, nearly received a bottle in his face. But what the hell was he doing there ?
Taking into consideration this entirely negative and worrying assessment, the speeches of the Head of the State follow one another at increasing pace, in increase too. Swelling of the rhetoric on one side, hard reality of the daily life of the French of the other. Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen, frankly, bravo for everything ! "
Dear American friends, do you really want " this " for the future of your splendid country ?
Thus, the Power doesn't care two hoots about anybody: in the last two years, a score of new taxes, the last of them being, as everybody knows, the "Carbon Tax" , a new tax, complicated to the extreme, with a guaranteed inefficiency and seemingly invented only to SCR.. the French. When one knows that French companies are subjected each year to more than 80 various taxes and fares, one should not be astonished by the increase of bankruptcies, unemployment and cases of suicide. All this of course does nothing at all to decrease the debt, a fireworks of mismanagement that doesn't date from yesterday. This debt rose in June to 1.414 billion euros, but in fact, with the commitments of the State, will topple 2000 billion euros. It progresses at a rate of 2000 euros per second.
The budget deficit doubled in one year on july 31st, when it crossed the threshold of 100 billion euros. It will be 150 billion by the end of the year, in total contradiction with the Treaty of Maastricht.
The deficit of the general plan of the social security, as for him, will rise this year to 30 billion euros, in spite of the increase in the hospital fixed rates. All that is called a financial rout, without counting the deficit of the trade balance ( 57,5 billion euros in 2008 ).
Parallel to this, one remarks an increase in the allowances of the Head of the State, 172% in October 2007 (!), as well as budget of the Elysee, which prompted an official spokeperson to state "The budget of the presidency of the republic increases, but it does not progress. " We had already heard: "The mild heart attack of the president of the republic does not have a cause. " We now have motionless movement…
We also have the continual increases of rates for electricity, gas, water and the real estate loads.
As for the assets of the 3.000 names that were discovered in two branches of Swiss banks in Paris by the Head of the Budget Department, using what the president of the national association of Swiss bankers - a personality as important as the president of the Swiss confederation- publicly qualified as "criminal processes", they would not represent - if they were to be recovered - 0,2% of the French debt, a bottomless well- which has not been mentioned anywhere.
One more word concerning immigration, of which everyone knows the grave and ruinous consequences- and which one should especially not mention. The Head of the Interior Department has just illustrated this, despite himself. Having made an alleviating reflexion concerning the obvious, he just became a victim of it, whereas he had just sanctionned the prefect Girot de Langlade for launching a joke on the same kind. It's a case of the biter being bit. All that is as shocking as grotesque and revealing of a racist mentality in favour of the immigration-invasion.
This report quite naturally leads us to delinquency which is, logically, strongly increasing. Violence against people and property never stop increasing, in particular against the Agents of the State authority, who reached in 2008 the record figure of 26.177 listed cases (double in reality).
In Seine St-Denis, these violences increased by 30% over 2008. It is extremely striking and significant, in this respect, that the "special" adviser of the president of the republic, writer of his very many speeches, wanting to assess the realities of the 93 department, populated this department with 90% of immigrants, and was nearly lynched in the police car where he had taken seat. Under a rain of stones, the police officers of his escort had to make use of their rifles to avoid the worst! And yet, one is under the impression that, for the authorities up to the highest level, the goal is to fight "police violence", sanctionned at once, so that the police force, out of fear of being punished, dares nothing anymore. Therefore, life is beautiful for the "young people", many of which live of the very lucrative drug trade.
As for the schools, it would be good if, in our suburbs, teachers started wearing bullet-proof jackets.
Lastly, small icing on the cake, 500.000 parcels are stolen at the Post office each year.
In short, it is generalized anarchy. In six months, the trade-union processions in Paris increased by 31,81% compared to the same period in 2008, going from 1116 to 1471 demonstrations (which is almost 8 per day!) authorized by the police headquarters who, nevertheless, recognize that they "poison" the life of the Parisians. A confidential note of the administration reveals that the number of police officers and gendarmes wounded during these demonstrations leaped a 318 % between last January and May. One also learned that the Head of the Bugdet Department, during a friendly visit to the Humanite festival, nearly received a bottle in his face. But what the hell was he doing there ?
Taking into consideration this entirely negative and worrying assessment, the speeches of the Head of the State follow one another at increasing pace, in increase too. Swelling of the rhetoric on one side, hard reality of the daily life of the French of the other. Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen, frankly, bravo for everything ! "
Dear American friends, do you really want " this " for the future of your splendid country ?